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Reveal Frame Component Demo


By clicking, data will be sent to SoundCloud.

<reveal-frame width="100%" height="166" src="">
  <div class="play-button"></div>
  <p>By clicking, data will be sent to SoundCloud.</p>


By clicking, data will be sent to YouTube.

<reveal-frame width="560" height="315" src="" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" >
  <div class="play-button"></div>
  <p>By clicking, data will be sent to YouTube.</p>


By clicking, data will be sent to Vimeo.

<reveal-frame src="" width="640" height="360" allow="autoplay; fullscreen">
  <div class="play-button"></div>
  <p>By clicking, data will be sent to Vimeo.</p>